Pediatric Dentistry Near You

From the moment your child’s first baby tooth erupts, tooth decay becomes a very real possibility. Pediatric dentistry focuses on the dental care of young children until their adult teeth arrive.

Your Child’s First Visit

Your child’s first visit can help set the tone for the rest of their lives. We want them to feel comfortable in the dentist office so that they associate their visit with a positive experience. This helps to prevent problems like dental phobia and ensures that they receive all of their needed dental care into adulthood.

The first visit is often a meet-and-greet session that gives both you and your child an opportunity to meet their dentist and dental team. This helps to establish a relationship of trust and openness.

Your child may also undergo a dental exam during their first visit to get an idea of the current state of their teeth, mouth and gums. 

What should I tell my child about their first dental visit?

Be honest. Tell them about the importance of their teeth and gums. Let them know that someone called a “dentist” will help them ensure that their teeth and smile remain healthy and beautiful.

Here are some “first visit” tips:

  • Keep it positive: Children easily pick up on the emotions of their parents, such as dental anxiety.
  • Try role-playing: Make it fun for them by playing the role of a dentist so they know what to expect, easing their anxiety.

During your child’s first visit, the dentist will:

Your dentist and dental team will want to meet you and your child to begin forming a friendly and professional relationship based upon trust.

If your child undergoes a dental exam during their first visit, their dental hygienist will be examining their teeth, mouth, and gums to look for any signs that require further investigation. They will be specifically looking for any signs of tooth decay and gum disease. If any concerning signs are detected, your child’s dentist will be called in for a closer examination.

What about preventative care?

Preventative care begins at home. You’ll be provided with educational resources to help your child clean their teeth and gums. Periodic dental exams will help ensure that your child’s teeth are coming in correctly and that they have a proper bite.

Cavity Prevention

In addition to practicing proper oral hygiene at home, a treatment with pediatric dental sealants is usually a good idea.

Pediatric dental sealants:

  • Require no drilling or anesthesia
  • Quick treatment, taking only a few minutes
  • No pain or discomfort involved
  • Prevent as much as 80% of tooth decay

The process of your child getting pediatric dental sealants couldn’t be simpler or faster. Your dentist would “paint” a thin liquid onto your child’s back molars – the most difficult teeth to reach and clean.

This liquid will harden and provide a protective barrier against the oral bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Tips for Cavity Prevention 

You already know that regularly brushing teeth helps prevent tooth decay. But did you know that some toothpaste is better than others? The American Dental Association recommends that your children use toothpaste containing fluoride to prevent tooth decay. 

You should also ensure that your child keeps up with their routine dental exam and cleaning appointments. This gives them their best chance of helping to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and unnecessary and costly dental work in the future. 

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